19 May Dragon Fly loop #720
I don’t feel like I travel a lot, since i don’t leave the great state of New Mexico, but I do travel within the state quite a bit. I grew up mostly in Albuquerque, New Mexico, but went to college in Las Cruces, New Mexico at New Mexico State University. After I graduated, I stayed in Las Cruces for about seven more years. I met my husband, Mike, at college. We got married on his family ranch in Taos, New Mexico. We travel to Taos a lot to visit his family.
I had a high school graduation to go to in Las Cruces, New Mexico this weekend. All of the graduation events happened on Friday, so I thought since I was down in Las Cruces for the weekend, why not travel two more hours and spend the rest of the weekend in Silver City? Mike and I both loved the couple of trips to Silver City we took about ten years ago so we decided to do it!
The first night we were in Silver City I did a google search for ” trail runs Silver a City” and found Dragon Fly loop #720. The information on the internet said that it was a fairly easy trail run about 3.6 mile loop.
The trail was not hard to find. Mike was going to hike it and I was going to run it.
The trail was compacted dirt and not hard to run on. About a mile and half into the trail you come to a little creek, named Whiskey Creek.
After a short stop for photo I continued the run. The petroglyph was actually really close to the creek but I missed it the first time. I ran the trail and then circled back to find Mike.
When I found Mike he was close to the creek. We investigated around the creek and found some petroglyphs!
The trail took us about two hours to complete. I ran most of it, but we stopped for a while to find petroglyphs and to take pictures. The loop was only 3.6 miles but I ran parts of the trail twice so my final mileage for the trail run was 5.77 miles.